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Swarm Robotics: Coordination and Control Strategies in Multi-Robot Systems

by Emily Johnson 1,*
Emily Johnson
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 13 October 2023 / Accepted: 23 November 2023 / Published Online: 22 December 2023


Swarm robotics has emerged as a promising field within the realm of artificial intelligence and robotics, focusing on the coordination and control of large groups of simple, inexpensive robots. This paper explores the principles, challenges, and strategies involved in designing multi-robot systems that can effectively collaborate and adapt to dynamic environments. The abstract delves into the fundamental concepts of swarm intelligence, where individual robots operate autonomously while following collective rules to achieve a common goal. We discuss various coordination mechanisms, such as local communication, consensus algorithms, and distributed control, that enable robots to maintain formation, share information, and respond to changes in their environment. Furthermore, we analyze the control strategies employed to ensure task allocation, optimize performance, and manage the robot swarm's energy consumption. The paper concludes with a discussion on the future directions of swarm robotics research and its potential applications in fields such as environmental monitoring, search and rescue operations, and manufacturing.

Copyright: © 2023 by Johnson. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
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APA Style
Johnson, E. (2023). Swarm Robotics: Coordination and Control Strategies in Multi-Robot Systems. Transactions on Applied Soft Computing, 5(2), 45. doi:10.69610/j.tasc.20231222
ACS Style
Johnson, E. Swarm Robotics: Coordination and Control Strategies in Multi-Robot Systems. Transactions on Applied Soft Computing, 2023, 5, 45. doi:10.69610/j.tasc.20231222
AMA Style
Johnson E. Swarm Robotics: Coordination and Control Strategies in Multi-Robot Systems. Transactions on Applied Soft Computing; 2023, 5(2):45. doi:10.69610/j.tasc.20231222
Chicago/Turabian Style
Johnson, Emily 2023. "Swarm Robotics: Coordination and Control Strategies in Multi-Robot Systems" Transactions on Applied Soft Computing 5, no.2:45. doi:10.69610/j.tasc.20231222

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ACS Style
Johnson, E. Swarm Robotics: Coordination and Control Strategies in Multi-Robot Systems. Transactions on Applied Soft Computing, 2023, 5, 45. doi:10.69610/j.tasc.20231222
AMA Style
Johnson E. Swarm Robotics: Coordination and Control Strategies in Multi-Robot Systems. Transactions on Applied Soft Computing; 2023, 5(2):45. doi:10.69610/j.tasc.20231222
Chicago/Turabian Style
Johnson, Emily 2023. "Swarm Robotics: Coordination and Control Strategies in Multi-Robot Systems" Transactions on Applied Soft Computing 5, no.2:45. doi:10.69610/j.tasc.20231222
APA style
Johnson, E. (2023). Swarm Robotics: Coordination and Control Strategies in Multi-Robot Systems. Transactions on Applied Soft Computing, 5(2), 45. doi:10.69610/j.tasc.20231222

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